Tuesday 28 April 2015


The feeling you have especially towards your partner, it's common in relationships. 

I used to be insecure, I am insecure and will always be insecure. The difference now is that I have learned to control myself. I would be lying if I say that I don't have any insecurities in my current relationship. 

You know, I really don't like controlling and I really hate myself for overthinking such nonsense would happen to my relationship. All because of my past relationships ended horribly and the memories still haunts me sometimes. I'm just afraid that it would be hard for me to trust again with promises.

I have my flaws too. But eventually I came to realize that my flaws could change for the better. My insecurities aren't as bad as some other girls out there. You wanna go out with your friends? Go. You need to text your girl friends about work? Text them. You need to be partners with a girl for an assignment? Be her partner. But always remember the reason why you started a relationship with someone. Remember the troubles you went through just to get her to like you back. Would you want it to come to waste?

Your girlfriend will stalk you sometimes. Thinking to herself everyday and every night, is she the one for you? Will she be worth it for you? Girls and insecurities won't be apart. They would try not to have it, but it's impossible to lose such feeling. Been there. 

What I'm trying to say is, don't let your girl down by your stupid mistakes. Tolerate with each other. I'm sure you guys also have insecurities for your girl. So think of it, don't make such mistake that you wouldn't want others to do it at you. 


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